April 13th – Three Points

Today is Mom’s birthday. She passed last summer after a very full life.

Clouds came in at the end of the day. Was nice to have sone humidity like home. It eventually turned to sprinkles and even rain.

Which way?

April 12th – Eagle’s Roost

Talked with a young man at camp. He has wanted to hike the trail since eight years old. He is taking a break from college after his first semester. He is interested in civil engineering.

Was good to finish the road walk by the end of the day. The upper portion of the road is closed to traffic it is just motorcycles and sports cars enjoying the curves.

April 11th – Jackson Flat Campground

Looks like I will be starting a twenty mile road walk due to last year’s Bobcat fire.

While the road is closed with gates two motorcycles managed to by and had a good time with the road all to them selves. They did have to dodge lots of fallen rocks.

Multiple burn areas. Never knew fires where so uneven.