Modern comforts here, pit toilet and a picnic table to sit at.
Had company, a couple section hiking south and another northbound through hiker. Unfortunately no real conversations, just a questions about where is the next water source is.
Modern comforts here, pit toilet and a picnic table to sit at.
Had company, a couple section hiking south and another northbound through hiker. Unfortunately no real conversations, just a questions about where is the next water source is.
The trail is intended for horse and hikes. Pretty common to see mountain bike and other vehicle tracks.
Spend the day eating.
This morning I walked down into the valley on the Van Dusen Canyon gravel road. It was nothing like the steep hill from the Mount of Olives, which I have walked twice. Attended Compline on Zoom with some Brothers before bed.
Could read by the full moon.
Snowing. Always a challenge on the fingers when rolling up the tent.
One bar. No photo uploads for a few more days.
Hot in the sun. Still snow in the shade at 8500’.
Rough night. Mid 20°.
This morning there was a hiker already on the way before sunrise. He later said he only needs six hours of sleep a night. In the Coon Creek Cabin at the end of the day. Had a dangerous traverse across a north facing slope that I fortunately did not slip or fall on.